Freedom Bucket : is a idea coined by me to make a special directory
in Linux based system which will contain on Open Format files like png for
images, ogv , ogg for video and audio.

       Whenever user copy paste any new fies (Ex , new jpg images from his
camera or new video file in mp4 format), freedom daemon will convert new
files into corresponding open format.

      The aim of this project to remove non-standard and royalty based
format from earth. It will be useful for those persons who want to use only
open formats.

       Project Home page -

PS: I was that normally user do not convert their files to open format
because of time and effort applied in conversion process. This happens with
everybody. So I just thought for Freedom Bucket which will this job for me.
Please do comment.
│    Narendra Sisodiya ( नरेन्द्र सिसोदिया )
│    Web :
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