M.K.Pai wrote:

I need your advice/ opinions/ rants/ whatever.

I would like buy a notebook. I think even a netbook will do. Please
let me know the most economical gadget given my needs which are

Whats important:

a. X should preferably not need closed-source hacks

b. I'd prefer networking that just works with the standard kernel

c. as long a battery life as possible - 3 hours at least, more if possible

d. should not heat up

e. lightweight

f. cheap, cheap, cheap :D

Whats NOT important:

1. Gobs of RAM: For that I'll use a separate server

2. Raw CPU horsepower/virtualization: For that I'll use a separate server

3. Large disk space: For that I'll use a separate server and NFS

4. Multimedia: For that I'll use a separate desktop

Usually I work in Fedora/RHEL and am happy in terminal mode - mutt,
irssi, elinks,vi. I use X largely for OpenOffice, Pidgin and Mozilla.
The best thing about X is that I can open up so many xterms :)

So, guys, what do you think will be good for me ?

Thanks and regards,
-- Pai

ilugd mailinglist -- ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org
Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi 

Why don't you consider this one? http://www.synthmania.com/Famous%20Sounds/Images/Old_computer.jpg
;-) Isn't it same portable and fits you needs?

Well +1 for Dell inspiron mini 12" (only, 10" sucks at display). Since you will be using some desktop or server for most of the needs, this one will handle all the things that you are expecting.. I hope so.


Shamail Tayyab
Blog: http://shamail.in/blog

ilugd mailinglist -- ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org
Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi 

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