On Fri, 23 Oct 2009 22:42:29 +0530
Rahul Bhargava <rhlbh...@gmail.com> wrote:

> In the same vein, talking about SIGs, is anyone interested in
> functional programming?

Could you elaborate on what exactly you mean here, as this could
be a fairly topic, and mean different things to different people.

> How about Software Defined Radio?  I have spent a few weeks now
> on this.

Do you have the hardware? Can you do a demo? Either of this would
be fun. I also have a robotics kit built around the Arduino that
we can play around with. When is a suitable date? There is a
workshop in Ghaziabad this Sat. (31st), and I am out of town the
weekend after that. Maybe we should combine it with the Sat.

Please take a look at
where Anupam Jain, Gaurav Mishra, and others had taken an interest
in setting up meetings of such SIGs. Unfortunately, nothing much
came out of that initiative, but we can always try again.


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