>> In the same vein, talking about SIGs, is anyone interested in
>> functional programming?
> Could you elaborate on what exactly you mean here, as this could
> be a fairly topic, and mean different things to different people.

Programming in Haskell (for standardisation, wide use, the foreign
function interface, libraries, ports, size of binaries, the runtime
system, humour, number of active developers and programmers,
commercial viability), OCaml (for its efficiency and neatness),
Miranda (for it historically being something of a standard, commercial
support) etc.  Support libraries, algorithms, data structures and
projects using these etc.

There is also emerging interest in Scala, for example.

Functional programmers tend to know several of these languages and
some develop their own, domain specific variants.  There is a bit of a
barrier to entry and the learning curve after can be steep the deeper
one delves.  Some algorithms and data structures are particularly
elegant, cf. Purely Functional Data Structures by Chris Okasaki.

Interestingly logic programming programmers and those working in
certain kinds of optimisation and parsing also pick up functional
programming quickly.

I have an emerging interest in Computational Linguistics.

>> How about Software Defined Radio?  I have spent a few weeks now
>> on this.
> [...]
> Do you have the hardware? Can you do a demo? Either of this would
> be fun. I also have a robotics kit built around the Arduino that
> we can play around with. When is a suitable date? There is a
> workshop in Ghaziabad this Sat. (31st), and I am out of town the
> weekend after that. Maybe we should combine it with the Sat.
> workshop.

I don't have the hardware yet.  I am reading up on this still.  I hope
to homebrew some and expect this to take a couple of months.  There
are internet accessible demonstrations, so over the net, someone
else's hardware can be borrowed.  A Ham license is required for
listening to certain frequencies and definitely for transmitting.  I
am in touch with several Hams in India and there is mild interest in
the amateur space.  SDR in the commercial space is another story.

> Please take a look at
> http://wiki.linux-delhi.org/cgi-bin/twiki/view/Main/TopicsForFOSSRelatedBOFMeetings
> where Anupam Jain, Gaurav Mishra, and others had taken an interest
> in setting up meetings of such SIGs. Unfortunately, nothing much
> came out of that initiative, but we can always try again.

Why not make the meeting virtual?  I think participation may be higher
if this were to happen.  Some web-meeting site, or slides on a
web-server and/or skype?  Lately, I have attended several webex
presentations from all over the world, for work and without.


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