On Sat, Nov 21, 2009 at 12:40 AM, Ashish SHUKLA <wahjava...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Gaurav Gehani writes:
> [...]
> >>
> >> NO, it is not the mic one my laptop has got two jacks for headphone and
> one
> > for mike. Both the jacks of headphones are working fine in Windows but in
> > linux when i put it in second one both will work i.e headphone and
> speaker,
> > when i put it in first one none will work :( using gnome volume control
> have
> > unmuted everything ....
> If you happen to have Intel HD Audio chipset, then there are chances that
> autoprobing is not working correctly. Try passing an explicit argument[1]
> for
> 'model' parameter to snd_hda_intel driver module. Also check out the
> snd_hda_intel module pages[2][3] in ALSA wiki.
> And for controlling mixer controls on your sound card, use 'alsamixer'
> application (in terminal) instead of GNOME Volume Control or KDE's which
> are
> probably controlling the mixer control of the running sound server, which
> is
> not what you want when trying to debug this issue.
> References:
> [1]
> http://lxr.linux.no/#linux+v2.6.31/Documentation/sound/alsa/HD-Audio-Models.txt
> [2]  http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Matrix:Module-hda-intel
> [3]  http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Help_To_Debug_Intel_HDA
> - --
> *** Rince is wag...@schizo.dainet.de (We have Joey, we have Fun, we have
> Linux on a Sun)
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Thanks have been able to figure that out also with yours
+ https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/75137 +

Now the only issue left is of brightness :) it took long to solve that sound
problem :|

Thanks & Regards,
Gaurav Gehani
ilugd mailinglist -- ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org
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