On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 1:03 PM, Amit Sharma <amit_...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi
> I have facing a strange problem while uploading data file using FTP in cron.
> I have made a script to upload 40GB approx tar.gz file to a FTP location.
> When I run the script in console, it works fine and uploads the file without 
> any issue.
> When I schedule it in cron and make it run automatically, FTP upload fails 
> with error :
> 426 Connection closed; Not Enough Disk Space. Aborting..
> But when I run the script again in command prompt, the data gets uploaded 
> without any issue.
> Any pointers?

If a script runs from the console but not from cron, 99% of the time
it's one of these two things -

1. The user which executes the cron script is not the same
2. The script depends on something in .bashrc (and .bashrc is NOT
executed automatically before running cron scripts).

-- Anupam

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