We have a website running vbulletin and some other stuff. The number of
visitors is huge, and our quad core 16GB RAM dedicated server is feeling the
load. The web server is lightspeed
Poking around on vbull forums revealed that most big boards run on 2 server
1. Database server
2. Front end Web server.
We are on single server. Sometime back we were on apache, and loads were
very high, after moving to lightspeed, things improved, but looking at the
growing web traffic, we would need to go with dual server, with one database
server running mysql, and vbull frontend etc., on the other server.
But before me make this plunge, we want to make an informed decision about
whats consuming what load.
Is the RAM the bottleneck, or is it CPU, if its CPU which process is eating
CPU, how much is mysql process consuming etc., etc.,

So we were thinking that we run a simple monitor software which dumps some
graphs etc., over a period of one week, where we can compare the real time
traffic vs CPU load graphs etc., and which process is memory intensive,
which is CPU intensive blah blah.
Any pointers to some easy to configure stuff?

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