On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 10:56 PM, Karanbir Singh <mail-li...@karan.org>wrote:

> On 03/24/2010 10:02 PM, Ravi Kumar wrote:
>> If we use tempfs, we are keeping just copies of static content in memory
>> - one sure wastage of precious memory.
> erm, no - you seem confused about exactly how fs cache and tmpfs works.

Please enlighten me. :) And, I didn't said anything about fs cache... When
you contradict or say something is wrong, it would really be nice if you
supply reason, facts, any pointers etc to assert your views rather pointing
that I am wrong and saying no reason.

I really would like to know why tmpfs would be the corner to look in for
Webserver performance gains.

>  Assuming (and probably its fact), when your site gets popularity,  your
>> Static Media content collection will become huge with the time. So, I
>> don't think, tempfs should really be in scene.
> thats again completely wrong.
> even extremely popular sites like smugmug or twitter have just a few Megs
> of static content.
Lets says you are right, then -
For these cases, the word "Exception" is used :) ? Don't you agree. If you
put some generalization, others should not disagree because they found one
or two of cases where generalization failed. I didn't stated the Universal

But in real -
Twitter doesnt let its user upload/showcase their media/pictures etcs with
their tweets. But users have ability to upload and change their background
which can be any picture less than 800KB in size. And Twitter has more than
350,000 users (as per highscalability.com). Even 1% users uploaded content
makes a huge contribution to their static media size. Twitter started using
Amazon AWS as CDN. It clearly proves they have a good amount of static

> besides if you are getting over a million hits/hour - I am sure you can
> afford a decent sysadmin and a few more machines. If not, you are doing it
> wrong :)
> - KB

There are many ways to optimize the Website. I didn't said what ever you
pointed is wrong.  There are optimization areas where you focus to gain
most. But you have to decide where to look first and give priority. You
probably won't spend 80% of time to achieve 20% performance gain, by just
avoiding or giving less priority to ways for 80% performance gains in 20%
time :) ...

Read this, http://developer.yahoo.com/performance/rules.html
This is really a nice information. Everything well said and tested and used
in real life rather than theories.

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