On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 1:29 PM, Raj Mathur <r...@linux-delhi.org> wrote:
> On Tuesday 13 Apr 2010, Vivek Kapoor wrote:
>> As a last resort I went to Dell site. They gave me a quote of Rs.
>>  21000 for a 21" 1600x1200 monitor. Not sure if they still sell it.

My guess is that it must be the IPS monitors. They are usually much
more costlier than the TN panel ones. So unless you are doing stuff
like graphic designing, it doesn't make sense to shell out so much.
Also, last I knew its hard to get Dell monitors due to some issues
they have. They apparently don't sell it directly.

You might want to try HP and Viewsonic for portrait modes (call them
up directly). I cant recommend any directly as the monitor stands that
I have seen so far are usually dismal.

>> > As an aside, monitors designed only to view HD movies suck
>> > big-time. Don't coders and techies use monitors anymore?
>> Totally agree on this. I didn't know making a higher vertical
>>  resolution was more expensive (and cumbersome?) than higher
>>  horizontal resolution. I have stuck to my 17" 1280x1024 screen -
>>  atleast it's bigger than 1440x900 and marginally smaller than
>>  1920x1080.

That's pretty much personal preference I guess. I prefer more windows
tiled horizontally. So widescreen works for me during coding.

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