On Wed, 23 Jun 2010 16:30:03 +0000
r.sreed...@gmail.com wrote:

> I've shared a document with you:
> eduframe expression of interest
> https://docs.google.com/document/edit?id=1HZvLII17HO0KLGTBdeQZLUq5dPk23wVKbQaisaKPc8c&hl=en&invite=CMbd8B0
> It's not an attachment -- it's stored online at Google Docs. To
> open this document, just click the link above.

* Please mark such posts as commercial. At least to me, this seems
  pretty clearly to be the case here.
* Please do not keep spamming the list with multiple follow-ups
  with largely the same content.
* It would help if you clarified who CEMCA is, what is your
  connection to them, and why should a FOSS group be particularly
  interested in them. None of these points were clear to me from
  the document.
* As others have mentioned, please use the many publicly available
  avenues for publishing content that does not require participants
  to log in. For one, the ILUG Delhi Wiki is available to FOSS
  projects: http://wiki.linux-delhi.org/cgi-bin/twiki/view/


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