Hello Everyone,
                       For the past 2-3 months I have been thinking of an
idea, an idea which has the potential of changing the lives of many.
I am thinking about making a new amended version of 'The Constitution of
India' and thus changing the way our 'Largest Democracy' is today and doing
the full development in the public domain making it open source and by
following the open source development model.
Over the past few years we have seen that the Politics of India has brought
shame to our country, I mean the contradictory, unjust policies they make
are simply unbelievable. To name a few examples:

On one hand the politicians are dividing the country into castes by saying
that OBC people should get 27% reservation but on the other hand they're
saying that the 2010 consensus should not include questions about castes
because it'll divide the society into various castes, this is simply
unbelievable, highly contradictory.
After 26/11 attacks, they haven't taken satisfying measures ensuring the
security of our Nation, I mean they haven't changed the laws or made any
significant contribution to stop terrorist activities and for this much time
all they've done is just their worthless meetings(which they call 'Vichaar
karna' ) in their luxurious AC offices

Farmers are committing suicides and the so-called Honorable Minister of
Agriculture Shri Sharad Pawar is busy in selecting the future world cup
cricket team and expressing his worries about the cricket in India on the
comfy couches of BCCI

PM Dr. Manmohan Singh announced 'Rozgar Guarantee Yojana' and passed lofty
budgets for it, but instead of eradicating the poverty of poor labors, those
budgets eradicated the poverty of the Ministers and the Govt. officials
involved in this Yojana, they ensured that for every Rs 100 sanctioned only
Rs 5 reach the labors

Junta is already over-burdened with the price rise and the taxes but thanks
to the Govt. that they did their level best to increase this burden more and
more by hiking the prices of petrol and the basic need of every home 'LPG
gas' and to justify their so-called-policy-in-the-interest-of-country they
quoted the prices of LPG in neighbor countries like srilanka, bangladesh,
pakistan but they should know that their economies are very different from

Over 4 Crore of illegal bangladeshis are living in India and committing
crimes like murder, burglary and even supporting pakistani-ISI but instead
of throwing these illegal immigrants out of our country, our politicians are
working in the direction of granting these bangladeshis the citizenship of
India so that they gain the right to vote and thus become the vote bank of
the party who gets them the citizenship

These politicians are dividing our country into castes, creed and religion
by promoting the reservations on the basis of castes, whereas reservation
should be only on the basis of 'Economically Weaker Sections' of the
society, for people below poverty line because every single person who is
below poverty line needs and rightfully deserves reservation irrespective of
whether the person is a Brahmin, a Rajput or a Dalit. But Govt. knows that
doing this will make them loose their vote bank.

If a common man utters any foul word against a Member of Parliament publicly
then he can be fined heavily or even sent to jail for 6 months but when Shri
Lalu Prasad Yadav uttered abusive words in the parliament to another MP then
nobody, no Law cared to warn or punish Shri Lalu Yadav for derogating the
sanctity of parliament

People carrying out peaceful rallies and marches against the unjustifiable
policies of Govt. are cruelly beaten by police but when these MPs fight like
roadside bullies, slam and beat each other in the parliament, nobody cares
to call for a 'Laathicharge' on them or no Law punishes them

People are paying heavy taxes and our hard-eared money payed as tax is spent
on the Business Class Tickets of the Politicians, to pay the heavy bills of
their luxurious summer vacations abroad. Last time when PM Dr. Manmohan
Singh said that MPs should travel in economy class then another fellow MP
Shri Shashi Tharur said that "economy class is a cattle class, only cows
travel by economy class"

In the past and the present we've seen that many members of the parliament
have been accused of serious charges like murders and encouraging communal
disharmony(even riots). Its a shock for us that to become as IAS officer a
candidate has to prepare gruelingly and then has to undergo a rigorous
training only to work under a politician who is either a 'Bahubali' or
someone totally illiterate and incompetent. Such politicians don't know
anything about governance but only know unnecessary 'Naarebaaji', walking
out of the parliament on sensitive issues like women reservation bill
Escorting the convicts of Bhopal Gas Tragedy is another issue to add to this
infinite list.
My question is that why these politicians are not punished for their deeds,
why do they always become successful in "dividing us and then ruling us".
These politicians who don't even spare the money sanctioned for buying the
'Kafan' for our brave Soldiers do not deserve to be our representatives.

Such plight of our country would have brought tears into the eyes of Mahatma
Gandhi and every true patriot

The key reason is the lack of Proper Laws and the disinterest of the Govt.
to update the constitution. The Govt. makes amendments either in emergency
situations or to cater their own political needs.

Now instead of Twittering and Blogging against these unjust Govt. policies,
I am urging each one of you to help me with my idea
So my idea is to create a platform where we can review our constitution and
make changes in it, so that people from various fields can contribute
irrespective of their Caste, Creed, Region, Religion. So that we can device
a new method of election of Govt. and frame an entirely new constitution for
us to cater to the present needs
The full development will be done under Open Source License. So that
everyone is free to suggest changes and review them. I am still thinking
whether to use Wiki like Development or something else
I call this new form of democracy as 'Open Democracy'
So that we all can suggest and create new Laws and make valuable
contribution which can bring our country out of the claws of vote bank
politics and make our Beloved Nation Super Power of the World.
Remember, a patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his

308 members of the Constituent
'The Constitution of India' and thus formed the World's Largest
56 Men signed 'The Declaration of Independence' and created history
Now its our turn to frame a new constitution, out of the Billion plus
population, I think that participation of even 500 people from various
fields in this "Open Democracy' Development can make it a success.

I don't know whether it is legal to carry out such development in public
domain, I need some legal advice
But I believe that if there's something wrong, then those who have the
ability to take action, have the responsibility to take action. And we
people are having that ability because we've been blessed with an Open
source community and an ever vibrant development model like Open Source
development which our Forefathers were not having, so I think we have the
responsibility to carry out this development as 'A Service to our Nation'

After all Open Source Community hails the true spirit of Democracy:" A
community by the people, for the people and of the people"
Any kind of Suggestion and Criticism are Welcome.

With Regards,

Neeraj Semwal

Neeraj Semwal
Good Artists Copy, Great Artists Steal
                                                       - - Pablo Picasso
Good Artists Copy, Great Artists Steal and the Greatest ones make it Open
                                                       - - yeah yeah its by
me :P
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