On Sun, Jul 11, 2010 at 5:22 PM, Neeraj Semwal <semwal.nee...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hello Everyone,
>                       For the past 2-3 months I have been thinking of an
> idea, an idea which has the potential of changing the lives of many.
> I am thinking about making a new amended version of 'The Constitution of
> India' and thus changing the way our 'Largest Democracy' is today and doing
> the full development in the public domain making it open source and by
> following the open source development model.

> Now instead of Twittering and Blogging against these unjust Govt. policies,
> I am urging each one of you to help me with my idea
> So my idea is to create a platform where we can review our constitution and
> make changes in it,

You need to make a association. you will not be able to find the right
candidate on Mailing lists. You probably need to go to law schools or *vakeel

After setting up the association, they need to sit down and create a draft.

Wiki is the best platform but for using the web2.0 based technology (wiki,
facebook etc) your age should be 7 year to 35 years. ( because
anyone beyond this age limit do not belongs to new age technology and most
likely feel pain to adopt these technology). Because most of the professors
other thinker do not know much about wiki and all these technologies. just
my observation.

> So that we all can suggest and create new Laws and make valuable
> contribution which can bring our country out of the claws of vote bank
> politics and make our Beloved Nation Super Power of the World.
> Remember, a patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his
> Government
Making new laws does not meant that nation will become progressive. All we
need educated leaders and policy makers.

> I don't know whether it is legal to carry out such development in public
> domain,

Freedom of expression give the right to create new things..

PS: All you need to find right candidate. Setting up wiki is 2 minute task
but wont lead to the success. Just sit and plan first on 'how to proceed'

try to contact some political NGOs
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