On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 07:45:13PM +0530, Raj Mathur (राज माथुर) wrote:
> Well, the Kindle and its brethren are out anyway for me due to DRM.  

You mean the *Amazon Kindle Store* content is out because of DRM. If you think
of Kindle as just a personal electronic device, just like your mobile or
mp3 player, it works too. You don't have to buy Amazon Kindle content
with DRM to use it. I buy DRM free content from Pragmatic and Oreilly
all the time and copy it to Kindle using the FOSS software Calibre.

You can read all of the free books on Gutenberg on Kindle by using the
mobi format, and Calibre can even convert epubs to mobi formats for you
to read on the Kindle.

As Karanbir said, once you start reading on the Kindle, you would find
it difficult to go back. Of course, not all physical book reading
experiences transfer to Kindle - it is not so good at random access. But
overall, you wouldn't have issue with the transition.

- Sandip

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