Date : 16 Jan 2011 {Sunday}
Time : 1 pm to  6pm
Venue : To be decided.
I request IIT Delhi guys like Alok & Arul & Abhishek to start working on
booking the room/seminar hall as This can be done in IITDelhi. in Last
discussion everybody talked about IITD/JNU etc.
IF there are good venue like Vkendra or Vkendra is ready to give another
venue then, Lets do it.

Fees : FREE of COST ....

Purpose : Same as previous. Talk , Discuss, Participate, Present, Show your
current work and involvement in FOSS. not a fix guidelines but it is open.
Infact parallel room should be available for those who just want to see face
and discuss or just a social gathering.
ADD, modify the purpose guidelines.

Restriction of Meetup :
* Do not promote non-free, non-foss
* Do not promote non-standards aka close standards
* Do not promote software patents
* Do not promote DRM
* I request you not to have debate or flamewar on these restrictions.
Because these guidelines says you can bring you MAC PC or nokia mobile, but
you cannot says, "USE this" as a speaker..
* NO debate for this section.

Talks :
1) Please select your topic of presentation or discussion or sharing. It can
be anything like if you install GNU/Linux and what he felt and how you fix
problem or just a share like I went to this ATM and that is Linux based Or
your college project where other can put expert comments Or just what you
would like to tell.

You have good amount of time, appx 15-20 days, Please prepare and make a
good presentation and let other also do same and have a another successful

Facebook page - not a compulsion, but you may RSVP if you are attending,
You can create event page on other social medium too.

Suggestions :
      +++++    Please put your 'constructive' suggestions ! Thanks  +++++

Pics of previous meetup -
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