On Wednesday 08 Jun 2011, Amar Akshat wrote:
> I have been lately disturbed by my fellow novice intern admins who
> have been granted super user privileges. They are all trying the
> kiddish stuff and it upsets the environment, and more over I am
> unable to hang around and see what is happening and fix that.
> Lately some of them have discovered "fork bomb", example
> :(){ :|: & };:
> and this works in my personal Ubuntu v-machines. I have figured out
> that if run as root, this would keep on exhausting memory and system
> ultimately goes down very slow.
> Is there a way we can tweak the ulimit - user limit for all users.
> http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/security/90836-user-limits-linux.htm
> l - wasn't so helpful.

In my opinion you're trying to solve the wrong problem.  Giving 
untrusted users admin access on production systems is going to keep 
causing problems, regardless of how many such "vulnerabilities" you 
close.  The real solution is to remove admin access from all except a 
few experienced users.

If you can't do that, give each one of them a virtual machine to play 
with and let him/her destroy it in whatever innovative fashion s/he 
finds convenient.


-- Raj
Raj Mathur                r...@kandalaya.org      http://kandalaya.org/
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