try with this link


2011/6/8 Raj Mathur (राज माथुर) <>

> On Wednesday 08 Jun 2011, Amar Akshat wrote:
> > I have been lately disturbed by my fellow novice intern admins who
> > have been granted super user privileges. They are all trying the
> > kiddish stuff and it upsets the environment, and more over I am
> > unable to hang around and see what is happening and fix that.
> >
> > Lately some of them have discovered "fork bomb", example
> >
> > :(){ :|: & };:
> > and this works in my personal Ubuntu v-machines. I have figured out
> > that if run as root, this would keep on exhausting memory and system
> > ultimately goes down very slow.
> >
> > Is there a way we can tweak the ulimit - user limit for all users.
> >
> > l - wasn't so helpful.
> In my opinion you're trying to solve the wrong problem.  Giving
> untrusted users admin access on production systems is going to keep
> causing problems, regardless of how many such "vulnerabilities" you
> close.  The real solution is to remove admin access from all except a
> few experienced users.
> If you can't do that, give each one of them a virtual machine to play
> with and let him/her destroy it in whatever innovative fashion s/he
> finds convenient.
> Regards,
> -- Raj
> --
> Raj Mathur      
>       GPG: 78D4 FC67 367F 40E2 0DD5  0FEF C968 D0EF CC68 D17F
> PsyTrance & Chill:   ||   It is the mind that moves
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