On 28 May 2012 22:48, Raj Mathur (राज माथुर) <r...@linux-delhi.org> wrote:
> On Monday 28 May 2012, Gaurang Aggarwal wrote:
>> The errors are not shown now as I uploaded hostname to fully
>> qualified hostname .
>> I am curious , is there any way to allow web applications to send the
>> mails faster as the time it takes to send the email is about 6- 8
>> seconds .
> Is it just the web application taking longer or command-line too?  In
> either case, you need to look at the logs to see precisely where the
> delay is.  You can also set OLogLevel=127 in /etc/mail/sendmail.cf,
> restart sendmail and then try sending a mail for more logging.

Pfft! The way most people code, 6-8 seconds is nothing
for a web front-end. Gaurang, what are page-load times,
and response times to the presumable POST from the
front-end? You can measure with a Firefox plugin, YSlow,
if you are not already aware of this.

> Worst case scenario, make your application send mail asynchronously.
> Depending on language and package, you could use a new thread, a new
> process or perhaps just a flag to the mail library.

Should normally not be needed, as all the webapp has
to do is to hand off to sendmail/postfix. However, this
might be a problem if the webapp is sending
<shudder>HTML mail</shudder>, and is taking time to
render this abomination. Sad to say, I am now party to
such desecration of what god meant email to be.

> Sendmail delays are typically due to DNS or bad configuration issues.
> If you are willing to pay me a trifling fee, I'd be glad to offer myself
> as a consultant for fixing this problem.  Typical trifling fees are half
> your kingdom and your daughter's hand in marriage.

OK, done. Joke is on you: I have neither a kingdom, nor
a daughter.


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