On 28 May 2012 23:27, Raj Mathur (राज माथुर) <r...@linux-delhi.org> wrote:
> Nah, badly-configured or slow mail servers can create appreciable delays
> for users.  I've seen (and coded too) pages that send mail, where
> pressing "Submit" makes the browser hang without activity for 5+ seconds
> before it starts loading the next page.  Nothing to do but fix the mail
> server usually.

True, that! I was entirely too flippant, but you are right.
Anything that is not clearly time-bound should be handed
off in a web-dev world. It is just that mail has never been
a problem, but of course that could have to do with volume.

> Of course, one easy way out is to display a JS message and/or a spinning
> cursor while the mail is being sent.  Users object less to being asked
> to wait -- it's unexpected delays that make them soggy and hard to
> light.

Sheesh! Please do not give away my L33T! web-dev secrets

>> > Worst case scenario, make your application send mail
>> > asynchronously. Depending on language and package, you could use a
>> > new thread, a new process or perhaps just a flag to the mail
>> > library.
>> Should normally not be needed, as all the webapp has
>> to do is to hand off to sendmail/postfix. However, this
>> might be a problem if the webapp is sending
>> <shudder>HTML mail</shudder>, and is taking time to
>> render this abomination. Sad to say, I am now party to
>> such desecration of what god meant email to be.
> Different problem.  This delay is definitely due to the mail server.

Even after he fixed hostname issues? Sorry, while I do
joke about such things, I do appreciate being educated.
I *am* serious here.

>> > Sendmail delays are typically due to DNS or bad configuration
>> > issues. If you are willing to pay me a trifling fee, I'd be glad
>> > to offer myself as a consultant for fixing this problem.  Typical
>> > trifling fees are half your kingdom and your daughter's hand in
>> > marriage.
>> OK, done. Joke is on you: I have neither a kingdom, nor
>> a daughter.
> Well, buy one and abduct the other then.  Oh wait, it wasn't you who was
> liable for the fee anyway

OK, not so serious any more.
(a) How does one buy a daughter, and abduct a kingdom?
     On second thoughts, please do not answer that.
(b) As per your original postulate, the offer was open to all.
     Lack of fiefdom, and nubile youth not specified. /me
     smells a suit for false advertising.


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