Thanks, Kim. I enjoyed looking at the sites, and the Contribute site looks very nice, so I'm convinced to give it a try.
And Danish looks like a gentle and fun language!

On Monday, October 20, 2003, at 02:35 PM, Kim Gammelgaard wrote:

On 20/10/03 14:07, "Donald Hinkle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

iBlog and iCal and Contribute2 are freebies on dotMac. I'm curious--
Anyone using iBlog, got pages up to view so I can see samples of how
folks are using it?
I am using iBlog and iCal, and my sister is using Contribute 2

I made a blog using iBlog here:

- I made a mistake moving some files around my iMac, though, so I lost the
calendar for the moment. Also beware, it is in Danish.

I love it though, and it is very easy to add pictures. For instance you can
just grap one with ctrl-cmd-shift-4 (very neat shortcut!) and paste it into
an entry with cmd-v. Then when uploading, iBlog changes the pictures into

iCal--is it compatible with my Palm? I've been using Palm Desktop on
the iMac and iBook because it runs on Palm software and easily goes
onto our Palm handhelds. How does iCal compare?

I love the reminder function and the iSync integration. I can make
appointments using my iBook, and then after iSyncing them to my iMac at
home, my iMac will send a reminder to my work-PC(yak), and I will remember
whatever it was, even though I don't use my iBook at work.

Contribute2--is this finally going to make it possible for me to
easily design the website of my dreams and upload it to my dotMac
account...or even to my account on my ISP, which has rigid formulas for
My sister absolutely loves it. I have been her Webmaster on her school home
pages for a couple of years using Dreamweaver, and she needed me to do all
small kinds of error correction all the time. Then after she got Contribute,
her productivity has taken off like I don't know what, and has created 10
times more content within the past two weeks than the past two months. I
have only had to help her a very little after she had moved too much around
with some tables, and when she wanted some dates localized.

Her old pages made with Dreamweaver(and a little bit of Flash, iMovie(find
it if you can) and Fireworks) are here: <>and her
new pages made with Contribute 2 are here:
<>. The photos were scaled using
Fireworks, btw. Freeware QuickImage CM would do that too.

My sister is definitely going to buy Contribute 2.




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