At 8:48 AM -0700 9/4/2008, Bruce Johnson wrote:
>DHCP addresses can change, yes, if the modem is always on, many 
>providers don't change them around that often so they're 'mostly 
>static'. It depends on the local network segment. Comcast here may 
>be different from Comcast there.

Comcast's public IP assignment is managed between their DHCP server 
and the customer's router (or Mac, if no router).  The docsis modem 
is not involved (other than being part of the ip conduit).  As long 
as you do a Renew, you'll get the same IP back... Comcast does not 
forcibly expire DHCP leases, and their DHCP server pools have 6+ hr 

>Ping may well not work for reasons OTHER than the address not being 
>reachable...MANY providers prohibit UDP traffic other than local on
>their networks.

Comcast is very inconsistant on this too.

Also note that the upstream on Comcast is very low (200 to 384 KB in 
most areas), so any VNC connection may be sluggish at best.

- Dan.
- Psychoceramic Emeritus; South Jersey, USA, Earth

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