Thanks for the into. I have Ubuntu installed on a PC and it couldn't
have been easier... all I did was run the installer and *bam* it just
works. I didn't have to configure a single thing. I guess I was hoping
that something similarly easy would be available for the eMac. I found
a web page from 2006 that described how to install YDL and Ubuntu on
an eMac, but it involved a lot of hacking and file editing and
whatnot... I'd rather not go down that road, if at all possible. :-\

I looked on eekbay for OS X 10.3 and 10.4 discs, and they all seem to
be running in the $70-$100 range... which, ironically, is about the
same price as a used eMac with OS X pre-installed. So that's out of
the question, unfortunately. (Unless anyone knows of a vendor that
sells "old" OS X discs for a reasonable price?!)

I'd be just as happy to stick with OS 9, but the lack of a modern web
browser makes it a no-go...


On Sat, May 9, 2009 at 1:15 PM, Clark Martin <> wrote:

> I've installed Debian 5, Fedora 9 and Yellow Dog 5 (I think it is) on
> various G3s.  I have had both Debian and Fedora playing music although
> you have to install an MP3 library but before you can you have to figure
> out that you do need it and what it is.  I've played video on them but
> they are too slow for decent playback, your iMac should be okay.  I
> haven't used YDL as much as the others but have probably had more
> trouble with it.  Between Debian and Fedora I'd have to call it a toss
> up between the two.
> I've avoided Ubuntu as they've dropped support of the PPC.  I think it's
> still un-officially supported but...

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