gladys pérez-almiroty wrote:
> happy holidays to all!
> my aunt- she lives in an other town- just called me with this  
> conundrum: her imac g 5  code name hero, 1.8 ghz, running some version  
> of  os 10.3 and  maybe 2gb ram is turning itself off and when it does  
> you can hear a faint click.
> i live 2 hours away and have not seen the machine when it does that.  
> knowing my aunt it has not been updated since the last time i was there.
> any ideas? what should i bring to her when i go besides disk warrior?  
> would that even help?
> if you have any other questions i can ask her. please help me!!
> thanks in advanced
> gladys

I'd bring along a Firewire HD that you could install a fresh copy of the 
OS on then run it on that for a while to see if it still shuts down. 
That would determine whether it's a software or hardware problem.

Clark Martin
Redwood City, CA, USA
Macintosh / Internet Consulting

"I'm a designated driver on the Information Super Highway"

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