Dennis et al,

Sadly the preference removal - all related to Roxio (.plist) didn't resolve.
I'll try to locate the free program mentioned and maybe use the iTune
The trick is to have the separate tracks.... joy.

Regards, Naftali

On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 10:12, Dennis B. Swaney <> wrote:

> N.Shani wrote:
>> HW: MacBook 2 GHz Core2Dou 1 GB RAM (667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM)
>> SW: OS X 10.4.11; CD Doctor Spin 1.5.1, Toast 5.2 and 9
>> I started experiencing a weird behaviour of Toast when I transferred kids
>> audio cassettes to CDs (as a favour to a friend). Some tapes (2-3) were done
>> with no issue (digtize with CD Doctor Spin 1.5.1, defined tracks, saved the
>> defined tracks file, dragged the tracks to Toast, burned CD).
>> However, after those 2-3 successful transfers, I'm hitting a brick wall -
>> both Toast versions behave in almost the same way: when I drag a defined
>> track (any) into Toast, I get the following messages...
>> - Toast 5.2: Mac OS error - Result Code=6515
>> - Toast 9: 'File' is not a sound file, or is not in a supported format.
>> I looked at the files, all (whether succeeded in transfer or not) are
>> saved as 'CD Spin Doctor TEXT' with the suffix '.aiff', and play-back within
>> CD DS.
>> Repeating the process (of dragging into Toast) for the successful transfer
>> works OK, but not for those that started to fail, no matter what I tried
>> (restart, dump Toast and re-install, quit and launch).
>> If I try to import directly into Toast, then the whole raw file is
>> imported as one track, disregarding the defined tracks, which is not what I
>> intended to do.
>> This could be a work around, but is not desirable.
>> Any idea what went wrong? Any idea where I can start looking into what
>> went wrong?
>> Are there any alternatives to CD DS and/or Toast? Free preferred (I'm out
>> of a job).
> Did you trash the com.roxio.Toast.plist ? It is located here:
> ~/Library/Preferences
> There may also be one at: HD/Library/Preferences
> --
> Sincerely,
> Dennis B. Swaney
> "Windows is a command-line OS with a GUI shell while Mac System 10 is ...
> oh, never mind."
> --
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