Thanks for the important info Elliott

Just hooked up the G3 iMac. It has 128Mb RAM 350MHz
I have a 5.86Gb Panther partition and a 500Mb Classic partition

I still maintain that the Blueberry iMac should be purple, like actual blueberries
This one is turquoise... my Clamshell G3 is way darker

Elliott Price wrote:
If the WD 500Gb is a full size IDE HD, (and not a laptop drive, or SATA,) then yes. It's really easy to swap drives in the G4 towers. Just make sure the cable settings are correct (Master/Slave).


On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 11:47 AM, Bill Chapman < <>> wrote:

    It has a slot, no tray... it might be 6GB drive now that I think
    of it... I haven't hooked it up in awhile
    I don't have nearly the room to hook up any more computers...
    besides, those old ones are way too slow as compared  to my G4
    Titanium PB (1.6GHz, the fastest G4 Apple ever made) and my G5
    Dual 2.0GHz. In fact I've just shelved my G3 B/W tower/Panther...
    I'm swapping it out and replacing it with my (currently) dead G4
    Quicksilver 800MHz/Tiger as soon as I get another HD. Btw, would I
    be able to install a
    Western Digital Caviar GP 500GB hd drive on the G4?... I'm no techie


    Clark Martin wrote:

        On 4/21/10 5:48 AM, Bill Chapman wrote:

            I have an early G3 iMac, Bondi or Blueberry, I'm not sure...
            slot-loading 4Gb HD 256Mb RAM 350MHz
            Had OS 9.1 if I remember correctly (got it secondhand
            about 5-6 years
            ago) which I upped to 9.2.2 at first, and then 2 years ago
            Panther (OSX 10.3.9). Also have the same-era G3 Clamshell
            (so-called 'toilet seat' haha) with roughly same specs...
            replaced those
            with G4 and G5 machines over the last 2 years, but still
            have the G3s
            Ikea'd in plain view, I swap them on and off my 4-mac lan
            includes my trusty Power Mac 8600 MacOS 8.6) occasionally. All
            secondhand.... don't need brand new, never did.

        That info is confused.  4Gb HD implies a tray loader (unless
        someone downgraded the drive.  But 350 MHz implies slot loader.

        Last year I got a tangerine clamshell.  I always liked the
        look of that model.  It was very different in a industry of

        You can always get a 8 port switch, cheap, so you can have all
        the computers on the net at once.  I've got a 16 port gigabit
        switch, 24 port 10/100 switch, 16 port 10MBps hub and assorted
        other little ones hooking everything up.  And three wireless
        APs for the laptops and such.

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