Because they don't have the room to store them.  I sure don't.  Just
like I don't have any place to store or display my old Macs.  (I even
had an original 68K Macintosh!)  So, they all go to the thrift store.
Only old one I've kept is my Snow G3, as it is still serviceable, but
having a devil of a time finding a place to put it.  Just upgraded to
a G4 iLamp, and I'm thinking of using the G3 out in the shed as a
glorified mp3 player.  Still would have to find a place to put it in
there, and hooked up to the stereo.

On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 9:31 AM, Bill Chapman <> wrote:
> Even the boxes are too cool to throw away... I can't understand why people
> throw those out... I still have my long-dead AppleVision 1710 display in its
> original box (in a closet since I'm cramped here)

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