Ashgrove wrote:
On Apr 22, 8:37 pm, "./aal" <> wrote:
Carrie, for style and status
same reason they bought the macs
The person who ordered them had more dollars than sense

Well, at least they had the sense to buy Macs. The wireless mice were
an unfortunate idea, but getting PCs and installing WIndows 7, or
Vista, or any flavor of creamy Linux would have meant investing that
money in a bigger IT department...


Yeah, about 10 years ago a friend ran his own print shop, and was an expert 
with pc and mac (had computer engineer degree, ran his own server, etc) and 
said that 'behind the scenes, Windows is a mess'

Btw, kind of odd to run into an 'McBasher' on this forum... that guy should pack up and move to pcworld haha

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