On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 4:07 PM, Dan <dantear...@gmail.com> wrote:

> At 12:43 PM -0500 1/23/2012, Kim wrote:
> Kim...
> 1) please keep in mind that these LEM lists *require* that you post in
> PLAIN text.  Your use of all but unreadable HTML blue whatevertheheck font
> that be is unacceptable.
> 2) While we don't enforce bottom posting on these LEM lists, it is
> *extremely* bad netiquette to top post on an already bottom posted message.
>  Emails should NEVER had gotos in them.
> [Kim's HTML and fonting stripped]
>  I still recommend MacKeeper until I hear what problems Beverly has
>> encountered.
> Over the past year or two, I've received more than a dozen complaints
> regarding MacKeeper.  Everything from it skipping files it should have
> deleted, deleting files that it shouldn't have, to it crashing, etc.  And
> over the years, MacKeeper HAS NOT BEEN FIXED.  Bottom line: MacKeeper is
> pretty much a poster child for over-advertized suckerware.  It should not
> be near any Mac.   Period.  Beverly's polite opin, frankly, is simply the
> tip of the iceberg...
> Of course, YMMV.
> Cap'n Bob McBurney wrote:
>> What I want to do is have a reliable and stable updater for 3rd party
>> software that Apple Software does not update.
> No such reliable beast.  (see below).
>  I want software that will fully "uninstall" software I no longer use.
> No such reliable beast.
> See, here's the problem...  Apps do things in different ways.  And not all
> developers follow Apple's guidelines as strictly as they should.  So a
> product that claims that it can manage all your 3rd party installs or
> uninstalls is simply LYING to you.   At best, it can only do so based on
> those individual apps that for which it was designed *and* for which it has
> been recently updated.   At worst, if it contains bugs, it can damage your
> system by doing an incomplete install or uninstall.  (ObQuibble:  To
> support said uninstalls, the developer must hack into those apps to see
> what's what.  Unless they have permission from the app's author, that's
> illegal!).
> Most apps include their own mechanism to apply updates (eg: Sparkle). Many
> are also beginning to offer updates via Apple's app store system.  So
> just... let the app check for updates when you launch it, then do whatever
> it tells you to do.  Easypeasy.
> As for uninstalling... Most app uninstalls are trivial.  Toss the app.
>  Toss the prefs.  Done.  Apps that are any more complicated than that
> usually provide an uninstaller function or app.  No big deal. And an
> uninstaller provided by the app's developer is 100000000000000% more
> reliable than some 3rd party general uninstaller that may or may not have
> been updated and may or may not be buggy...
> fwiw,
> - Dan.
> --
> - Psychoceramic Emeritus; South Jersey, USA, Earth.
   Dan :
 Gotta love bureaucrats with nothing to offer! Keep up the good work! By
the way is there no rule on supercilious signatures? Not even when they are
very pale grey?

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