Il giorno 10/07/13 05.41, "NODEraser" ha scritto:

> Let's see if I get this straight... You tried to partition the drive
> yourself? 
I did not try... I did. :-)
I have been partitioning my HDs since my Beige PowerMac G3.

When I bought the iMac I'm using right now, I didn't know about Bootcamp
being "picky".
Hence I did what I usually do, I partitioned its HD into 6 partitions
(included one for Bootcamp itself) and copied/installed all my data and
Only AFTER this, I discovered Bootcamp wants a HD with just one partition;
thus, to comply with that I would need to reformat my HD.

> Bootcamp will handle this for you; you can add, delete or
> modify the bootcamp partition using the utility, and it will not
> affect the rest of your data.
Yes but, as far as I understood, ONLY if my data reside in just the only ONE

What I thought I'd do (and what would have been much user-friendly), would
be telling Bootcamp "Would you kindly* install on the partition I tell you
to use?".
Alas, that's not the way it works (and, being free, one cannot even
complain. ;-)

If you know differently, please let me know.

* 10 bonus points for who recognize this quote. :-D

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