--On 10/3/06 4:52 PM -0400 "Horton, Dave" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
What I would like to build is a simple, but scalable, voicemail system
that uses IMAP for the message store and meets the following

Here at Penn, we've modified Asterisk to use IMAP for its backend message
store for voicemail.  That code is in the current development trunk.
Other universities are also in the development and testing phase of this.

Our plan is to use Cyrus for this, even though we currently use UW for
general-purpose IMAP.

- Since it's voicemail, the average daily number of accesses per user is
far less than email (hence one server would support many more users, I
think, as long as sufficient storage is available)

I think you're wrong about this.  If you have people point their usual
IMAP client at it, then the rate of access is the same as general-purpose
mail.  If you have an application managing message waiting indicators (MWI)
on the phone sets, then it might be even higher than general-purpose mail.
(If neither of those are true, then you are probably correct.)

If your application(s) will be the only IMAP clients, you won't have
general-purpose mail clients accessing vociemail via IMAP, then I question
the wisdom of using IMAP for this at all.  It introduces an unnecessary
layer of complexity and potential delay.

- Greetings would be stored as attachments to messages in another
mailbox (which means I need a way of getting a message into a mailbox
other than INBOX through some automated process)

Ours will not store the greetings as messages in the IMAP store.  This is
the only significant difference from your requirements.
Mark Sirota, Associate Director, Network Engineering and Services
University of Pennsylvania, Information Systems and Computing
[EMAIL PROTECTED], +1 215 573 7214
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