Thank you for looking at this.  I'm sure you've replicated, but here
are the build errors, as requested.  Is there any workaround?

Best wishes,


bash-3.2# make oxp
+ Building in full compliance with RFC 3501 security
+ requirements:
++ TLS/SSL encryption is supported
++ Unencrypted plaintext passwords are prohibited
Applying an process to sources...
tools/an "ln -s" src/c-client c-client
tools/an "ln -s" src/ansilib c-client
tools/an "ln -s" src/charset c-client
tools/an "ln -s" src/osdep/unix c-client
tools/an "ln -s" src/mtest mtest
tools/an "ln -s" src/ipopd ipopd
tools/an "ln -s" src/imapd imapd
tools/an "ln -s" src/mailutil mailutil
tools/an "ln -s" src/mlock mlock
tools/an "ln -s" src/dmail dmail
tools/an "ln -s" src/tmail tmail
ln -s tools/an .
touch ip6
        PASSWDTYPE=pam \
        SPECIALS="SSLINCLUDE=/usr/include/openssl SSLLIB=/usr/lib
SSLKEYS=/System/Library/OpenSSL/private GSSINCLUDE=/usr/include
GSSLIB=/usr/lib PAMDLFLAGS=-lpam"
make[2]: `ip6' is up to date.
Building c-client for osx...
echo `cat SPECIALS`  > c-client/SPECIALS
cd c-client;make osx EXTRACFLAGS='-DMAC_OSX_KLUDGE=1'\
         PASSWDTYPE=pam SSLTYPE=nopwd IP=6\
         SSLINCLUDE=/usr/include/openssl SSLLIB=/usr/lib
SSLKEYS=/System/Library/OpenSSL/private GSSINCLUDE=/usr/include
GSSLIB=/usr/lib PAMDLFLAGS=-lpam
SSLTYPE=nopwd IP=6 `cat SPECIALS` OS=osx \
         CRXTYPE=nfs \
         SPOOLDIR=/var/spool MAILSPOOL=/var/mail \
         RSHPATH=/usr/bin/rsh \
         BASECFLAGS="-g -O2 -pipe -fno-omit-frame-pointer -Wno-pointer-sign"
sh -c 'rm -rf auths.c crexcl.c ip_unix.c linkage.[ch] siglocal.c
osdep*.[ch] *.o ARCHIVE *FLAGS *TYPE c-client.a || true'
Once-only environment setup...
echo cc > CCTYPE
echo -g -O2 -pipe -fno-omit-frame-pointer -Wno-pointer-sign
echo -DCREATEPROTO=unixproto -DEMPTYPROTO=unixproto \
         -DMD5ENABLE=\"/etc/cram-md5.pwd\" -DMAILSPOOL=\"/var/mail\" \
         -DANONYMOUSHOME=\"/var/mail/anonymous\" \
         -DACTIVEFILE=\"/usr/lib/news/active\" -DNEWSSPOOL=\"/var/spool/news\" \
         -DRSHPATH=\"/usr/bin/rsh\" -DLOCKPGM=\"\" \
         -DLOCKPGM1=\"/usr/libexec/mlock\" -DLOCKPGM2=\"/usr/sbin/mlock\" \
         -DLOCKPGM3=\"/etc/mlock\" > OSCFLAGS
echo   > LDFLAGS
echo "ar rc c-client.a osdep.o mail.o misc.o newsrc.o smanager.o
utf8.o utf8aux.o siglocal.o dummy.o pseudo.o netmsg.o flstring.o
fdstring.o rfc822.o nntp.o smtp.o imap4r1.o pop3.o unix.o mbx.o mmdf.o
tenex.o mtx.o news.o phile.o mh.o mx.o mix.o;ranlib c-client.a" >
echo osx > OSTYPE
./drivers mbox imap nntp pop3 mix mx mbx tenex mtx mh mmdf unix news phile dummy
./mkauths gss ext md5 pla log
echo -I/usr/include -DGSS_C_NT_HOSTBASED_SERVICE=gss_nt_service_name
sh -c '(test -f /usr/lib/libk5crypto.a) && echo -L/usr/lib
-lgssapi_krb5 -lkrb5 -lk5crypto -lcom_err || echo -L/usr/lib
-lgssapi_krb5 -lkrb5 -lcrypto -lcom_err' >> LDFLAGS
echo "#include \"kerb_mit.c\"" >> auths.c
echo "  mail_versioncheck (CCLIENTVERSION);" >> linkage.c
ln -s os_osx.h osdep.h
ln -s os_osx.c osdepbas.c
ln -s log_std.c osdeplog.c
ln -s sig_bsd.c siglocal.c
ln -s crx_nfs.c crexcl.c
ln -s ip6_unix.c ip_unix.c
sh -c '(test osx = sc5 -o osx = sco -o ! -f
/usr/include/sys/statvfs.h) && echo -DNOFSTATVFS >> OSCFLAGS || fgrep
statvfs64 /usr/include/sys/statvfs.h > /dev/null || echo
PAM password authentication
echo -lpam -ldl >> LDFLAGS
ln -s ckp_pam.c osdepckp.c
Building with SSL
ln -s ssl_unix.c osdepssl.c
echo -I/usr/include/openssl -I/usr/include/openssl/openssl
-DSSL_KEY_DIRECTORY=\"/System/Library/OpenSSL/private\" >> OSCFLAGS
echo "  ssl_onceonlyinit ();" >> linkage.c
echo -L/usr/lib -lssl -lcrypto  >> LDFLAGS
Building with SSL and plaintext passwords disabled unless SSL/TLS
echo "  mail_parameters (NIL,SET_DISABLEPLAINTEXT,(void *) 2);" >> linkage.c
cat osdepbas.c osdepckp.c osdeplog.c osdepssl.c > osdep.c
Building OS-dependent module
If you get No such file error messages for files x509.h, ssl.h,
pem.h, buffer.h, bio.h, and crypto.h, that means that OpenSSL
is not installed on your system. Either install OpenSSL first
or build with command: make osx SSLTYPE=none
`cat CCTYPE` -c `cat CFLAGS` `cat OSCFLAGS` -c osdep.c
`cat CCTYPE` -c `cat CFLAGS` mail.c
`cat CCTYPE` -c `cat CFLAGS` misc.c
`cat CCTYPE` -c `cat CFLAGS` newsrc.c
`cat CCTYPE` -c `cat CFLAGS` smanager.c
`cat CCTYPE` -c `cat CFLAGS` utf8.c
`cat CCTYPE` -c `cat CFLAGS` utf8aux.c
`cat CCTYPE` -c `cat CFLAGS` siglocal.c
`cat CCTYPE` -c `cat CFLAGS` dummy.c
`cat CCTYPE` -c `cat CFLAGS` pseudo.c
`cat CCTYPE` -c `cat CFLAGS` netmsg.c
`cat CCTYPE` -c `cat CFLAGS` flstring.c
`cat CCTYPE` -c `cat CFLAGS` fdstring.c
`cat CCTYPE` -c `cat CFLAGS` rfc822.c
`cat CCTYPE` -c `cat CFLAGS` nntp.c
`cat CCTYPE` -c `cat CFLAGS` smtp.c
`cat CCTYPE` -c `cat CFLAGS` imap4r1.c
`cat CCTYPE` -c `cat CFLAGS` pop3.c
`cat CCTYPE` -c `cat CFLAGS` unix.c
`cat CCTYPE` -c `cat CFLAGS` mbx.c
`cat CCTYPE` -c `cat CFLAGS` mmdf.c
`cat CCTYPE` -c `cat CFLAGS` tenex.c
`cat CCTYPE` -c `cat CFLAGS` mtx.c
`cat CCTYPE` -c `cat CFLAGS` news.c
`cat CCTYPE` -c `cat CFLAGS` phile.c
`cat CCTYPE` -c `cat CFLAGS` mh.c
`cat CCTYPE` -c `cat CFLAGS` mx.c
`cat CCTYPE` -c `cat CFLAGS` mix.c
sh -c 'rm -rf c-client.a || true'
ar rc c-client.a osdep.o mail.o misc.o newsrc.o smanager.o utf8.o
utf8aux.o siglocal.o dummy.o pseudo.o netmsg.o flstring.o fdstring.o
rfc822.o nntp.o smtp.o imap4r1.o pop3.o unix.o mbx.o mmdf.o tenex.o
mtx.o news.o phile.o mh.o mx.o mix.o;ranlib c-client.a
ranlib: file: c-client.a(osdep.o) has no symbols
ranlib: file: c-client.a(mail.o) has no symbols
ranlib: file: c-client.a(misc.o) has no symbols
ranlib: file: c-client.a(newsrc.o) has no symbols
ranlib: file: c-client.a(smanager.o) has no symbols
ranlib: file: c-client.a(utf8.o) has no symbols
ranlib: file: c-client.a(utf8aux.o) has no symbols
ranlib: file: c-client.a(siglocal.o) has no symbols
ranlib: file: c-client.a(dummy.o) has no symbols
ranlib: file: c-client.a(pseudo.o) has no symbols
ranlib: file: c-client.a(netmsg.o) has no symbols
ranlib: file: c-client.a(flstring.o) has no symbols
ranlib: file: c-client.a(fdstring.o) has no symbols
ranlib: file: c-client.a(rfc822.o) has no symbols
ranlib: file: c-client.a(nntp.o) has no symbols
ranlib: file: c-client.a(smtp.o) has no symbols
ranlib: file: c-client.a(imap4r1.o) has no symbols
ranlib: file: c-client.a(pop3.o) has no symbols
ranlib: file: c-client.a(unix.o) has no symbols
ranlib: file: c-client.a(mbx.o) has no symbols
ranlib: file: c-client.a(mmdf.o) has no symbols
ranlib: file: c-client.a(tenex.o) has no symbols
ranlib: file: c-client.a(mtx.o) has no symbols
ranlib: file: c-client.a(news.o) has no symbols
ranlib: file: c-client.a(phile.o) has no symbols
ranlib: file: c-client.a(mh.o) has no symbols
ranlib: file: c-client.a(mx.o) has no symbols
ranlib: file: c-client.a(mix.o) has no symbols
ranlib: file: c-client.a(osdep.o) has no symbols
ranlib: file: c-client.a(mail.o) has no symbols
ranlib: file: c-client.a(misc.o) has no symbols
ranlib: file: c-client.a(newsrc.o) has no symbols
ranlib: file: c-client.a(smanager.o) has no symbols
ranlib: file: c-client.a(utf8.o) has no symbols
ranlib: file: c-client.a(utf8aux.o) has no symbols
ranlib: file: c-client.a(siglocal.o) has no symbols
ranlib: file: c-client.a(dummy.o) has no symbols
ranlib: file: c-client.a(pseudo.o) has no symbols
ranlib: file: c-client.a(netmsg.o) has no symbols
ranlib: file: c-client.a(flstring.o) has no symbols
ranlib: file: c-client.a(fdstring.o) has no symbols
ranlib: file: c-client.a(rfc822.o) has no symbols
ranlib: file: c-client.a(nntp.o) has no symbols
ranlib: file: c-client.a(smtp.o) has no symbols
ranlib: file: c-client.a(imap4r1.o) has no symbols
ranlib: file: c-client.a(pop3.o) has no symbols
ranlib: file: c-client.a(unix.o) has no symbols
ranlib: file: c-client.a(mbx.o) has no symbols
ranlib: file: c-client.a(mmdf.o) has no symbols
ranlib: file: c-client.a(tenex.o) has no symbols
ranlib: file: c-client.a(mtx.o) has no symbols
ranlib: file: c-client.a(news.o) has no symbols
ranlib: file: c-client.a(phile.o) has no symbols
ranlib: file: c-client.a(mh.o) has no symbols
ranlib: file: c-client.a(mx.o) has no symbols
ranlib: file: c-client.a(mix.o) has no symbols
ranlib: warning for library: c-client.a the table of contents is empty
(no object file members in the library define global symbols)
echo osx > OSTYPE
touch rebuild
sh -c 'rm -rf rebuild || true'
Building bundled tools...
cd mtest;make
`cat ../c-client/CCTYPE` -I../c-client `cat ../c-client/CFLAGS`   -c
-o mtest.o mtest.c
`cat ../c-client/CCTYPE` -I../c-client `cat ../c-client/CFLAGS` -o
mtest mtest.o ../c-client/c-client.a `cat ../c-client/LDFLAGS`
Undefined symbols:
  "_main", referenced from:
      start in crt1.10.6.o
ld: symbol(s) not found
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[2]: *** [mtest] Error 1
make[1]: *** [bundled] Error 2
make: *** [oxp] Error 2
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