On Sun, Sep 13, 2009 at 9:51 PM, Mark Crispin <mrc...@panda.com> wrote:
> I don't know.  The build looks like a build from clean, but the errors from
> ranlib are totally bizarre.

I had done a make clean - and I checked that the versions of ranlib
and gcc were the ones provided by Apple.

Completely stumped, I untared the source files again, edited the
makefile and then tried the build, and this time it worked as it
should.  I can only think something odd must have happened during a
previous build that wasn't properly cleaned up by make clean.  Thank
you for guiding me towards trying again!

I'm getting odd errors in the log file, but I assume they are nothing
to worry about:

13/09/2009 21:51:32     imapd[13109]    in pam_sm_authenticate(): Failed to
determine Kerberos principal name.
13/09/2009 21:51:32     imapd[13109]    Login user=nicholas host=localhost [::1]
13/09/2009 21:51:32     edu.washington.imaps[13104]     launchproxy[13104]:
/usr/local/libexec/imapd: Connection from: ::1 on port: 54437
13/09/2009 21:51:32     imapd[13110]    imaps SSL service init from ::1
13/09/2009 21:51:32     imapd[13110]    in pam_sm_authenticate(): Failed to
determine Kerberos principal name.
13/09/2009 21:51:32     imapd[13110]    Login user=nicholas host=localhost [::1]
13/09/2009 21:51:33     imapd[13105]    Unexpected client disconnect, while
reading line user=nicholas host=localhost [::1]

Thank you again for finding the fix to the makefile - I would never
have found it on my own!

Best wishes,

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