On Wed, 25 Sep 2002 10:20:56 -0700, Larry Osterman wrote:
> Nit: Should it be "should" or "SHOULD" in "The server should respond
> with a tagged BAD" below?

In general, I've avoided placing requirements on server handling of errors.
In my opinion, a compliant server could treat "FETCH *" of an empty mailbox as
the command to set the hard drive on fire, launch nuclear missiles on
Disneyland, and give the system manager a bad haircut...

The philosophy here is GIGO ("Garbage In, Garbage Out"); you can't predict
subsequent behavior if you violate the standard, so don't violate the

> Also, the UIDNEXT value?  Is this right?

It was for lack of a better choice.  The problem with saying "last assigned
UID" is that in a newly-created mailbox, there is no "last assigned UID" and
zero is not a possibility.

> < Mailbox is empty, client believes there are 0 messages in the inbox >
> < Message arrives in mailbox >
> S: * 1 EXISTS

IMHO, this is a timing race.  Either UID 1 doesn't exist at the time that the
command is executed, or it does exist.  So, the scenario should be one of:
        C: 1 UID FETCH * (RFC822.HEADER)
        S: * 1 EXISTS
        S: 1 OK done
        C: 1 UID FETCH * (RFC822.HEADER)
        S: * 1 EXISTS
        S: * 1 FETCH (UID 1 RFC822.BODY {xx}
        <Body of newly received message>)
        S: 1 OK done

I do not think that:
        S: * 1 FETCH (UID 1 RFC822.BODY NIL)
should ever be returned.  This is the worst of both possibilities.

Can you look into what Exchange does?  Fortunately, I don't think that it
should be a major problem, since I doubt that clients will ever do this.

Clients are much more likely to do "UID FETCH 1:*".  I assume that you'd agree
        C: 1 UID FETCH 1:* (RFC822.HEADER)
        S: * 1 EXISTS
        S: * 1 FETCH (UID 1 RFC822.BODY NIL)
        S: 1 OK done
is a definite bug!

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