On Tue, 2003-01-28 at 09:42, Mark Keasling wrote:
> > x RENAME foo bar
> > x OK [NEW-UIDVALIDITY 123456] Renamed.

> This is not as useful as you may think.  If the UIDVALIDITY is changed what
> prevents the server from changing the UIDs as well.  Just getting the UIDVALIDITY
> is not sufficient.

It would be, if that NEW-UIDVALIDITY tag was standardized. That was the
pretty much the point of the mail, there's no use writing the code if it
never gets into any standard.

I think I'll anyway implement the UIDVALIDITY changing the way I said
before, at least that makes sure the RENAME can't break things.
Announcing the NEW-UIDVALIDITY isn't that important, it would only be a
way for clients that support it to know that the UIDs were left
untouched even while UIDVALIDITY was changed.

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