On Thu, 2003-07-10 at 11:07, Andreas Aardal Hanssen wrote:
> >> Is there anything in the client's behavior that deserves a BAD response?
> >No, since the EXPUNGE hasn't taken effect in that session yet.
> This is exactly my point. How is the server to decide wether there is a
> bug in the client, or if the search was made in good faith because the
> client was slightly out of sync. I for one would not like to keep client
> state in mind when receiving SEARCH requests.

I don't really see where the problem is. Both client and server have to
know what messages map to which sequences and they have to be fully
synced all the time. If client requests sequences which don't exist, or
it shouldn't know about yet, it's clearly an error.

How is keeping client state in mind with SEARCH any different than with

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