Just to understand subscribe and it's complexity.

* I subscribe to mailboxes as an user of an Imap Account because whenever I want to
check my Mail I want to see this mailboxes.
* I've got the right to unsubscribe as user, whenever I want to as long this Account exists
* The List is administrated on server site because I want to see my subscribed mailboxes
on every Computer and MailClient, therefore the Client asks with an Imap LSUB Command for that mailboxes.
* In the meantime of an Account Lifetime it can happen that an Mailbox will be deleted an recreated.
* For performance purposes I don't check the very existence of an Mailbox when I do and LSUB or LIST command.
That means the Subscribe List keeps an mailbox even if it doesn't exist.
That's Okay because
* The User can unsubscribe if he likes
* It doesn't really cost perfomance sending back an mailbox more or less, against the performance loss of checking the existence first
* It could be possible that the mailbox will be recreated, than the user doesn't need to subscribe again,
because of too much care to the subscription list.
That is what I take out of this discussion ( I hope I got this now :-) ).

One word to all who know more about IMAP and give answers to this list.
I've got the feeling that sometimes you feel disturbed about the questions.
And therefore you give abrupt or shortly answers like read the RFC.
I give to consider

* that answering in such way will rise more questions because of misunderstanding.
* sometimes you're right but not always

This may be a language comprehension problem.

* right. I see a lot of people of all over the world discussing in this list, so keep a little patience,
'cause english isn't always clear for us and we need to question although we read the RFC.

warm regards and thanks for help

Antonio Cambule
Development Team

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