On Oct 03, Vitaly Pashkov <ad...@fluda.net> wrote:

> Hi all!

Hi!  First of all, thank you for the excellent bug report.

> $ imdbpy2sql.py -d ./ -u postgres://login:passw...@localhost/imdb
> psycopg2.DataError: неверная последовательность байт имя кодировки
> "UTF8": 0xc333
> HINT:  This error can also happen if the byte sequence does not
> match the encoding expected by the server, which is controlled by
> "client_encoding".
> The text at the "psycopg2.DataError:" says "invalid byte sequence
> for encoding "/UTF8/""

Unfortunately I'm unable to reproduce the problem. :-(

I've more or less recreated your environment:
- latest plain text data files (your same titles are shown).
- no cutils.so and no lxml.
- postgresql 8.4 (but I don't think this is a problem) on a
  Debian unstable system.
- python-psycopg2 2.0.12.

It goes without saying that my system is set to Italian; the
script goes on after flushing the first batch of titles without
any problem.

While I can't exclude a programming error on my side (I'm a bit
scared by the 0xc333 unicode code: try 'print unichr(0xc333)' - it's
not exactly the kind of chars that are expected in movies.list...),
right now I'm more prone to think this is a configuration issue
on your system.

Some questions and tests you can try:
1. Did it ever worked on your system (with an old set of data, for
2. Have you tried to change the value of client_encoding in postgresql.conf?
3. Maybe you can try running the imdbpy2sql.py script with this extra
     -e 'AFTER_CREATE:SET client_encoding TO utf8'
   (notice that I'm not sure that "utf8" is valid, for PostgreSQL).

Right now, I'm out of ideas; I hope this can help you debugging
the problem.

Davide Alberani <davide.alber...@gmail.com> [GPG KeyID: 0x465BFD47]

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