On Oct 05, Vitaly Pashkov <ad...@fluda.net> wrote:

> Trying to find out where exactly my
> problem occurs i slightly modified "readMovieList()" function at line 1427
> of imdbpy2sql.py, so now it looks like:
> mid = CACHE_MID.addUnique(title.decode('utf-8'), yearData)

I'm not sure that with such a change you'll get a consistent
database. :-/
Anyway it's worth a try, at least to spot the problem.

Two things you can try, now:
1. put your movies.list.gz somewhere: with the one I've downloaded
   yesterday I'm unable to reproduce the problem; I'd like to try yours.
2. with your change to line 1427 in place, modify also the title_soundex
   function adding at the top these two lines:
     print _(title)
   in your output you should see the "wrong" title right before
   the UnicodeWarning warning.

> and then it continues to importing data. This error occurs only once.

It starts to sound a lot like garbage in the data...

> Any ideas how i can intercept this UnicodeWarning so i can see at what line of
> movie.list it happen? I tried to add next line to readMovieList():
> print "Title: " + title + ", counter: " + str(count)
> but the output is soooo big... tonns of lines, over9000.

Try modifying the title_soundex function as said above, and
then run your command appending this:
  2&>1 | tee ~/OUTPUT.txt

After that, you can easily search for UnicodeWarning in the
~/OUTPUT.txt file.

> BTW, after that change (decode('utf-8')) DB content is looking good, but
> as it contains almost 1.5M records i can't be sure for 100%.

As said, doing so I'm not too sure that the database will store the
titles with the right encoding (every database seems to have a
different opinion about how to handle input in unicode and/or utf8
or other encodings...)

Thank you very much for you help!

Davide Alberani <davide.alber...@gmail.com> [GPG KeyID: 0x465BFD47]

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