On Oct 06, Vitaly Pashkov <ad...@fluda.net> wrote:

> You can get my copy here: http://fluda.net/personal/movies.list.gz

It's identical to the one I have.

> imdb=> select id, title from title order by random() limit 5;
>    id    |                  title
> ---------+-----------------------------------------
>  1147146 | (#3.11)
>  1010589 | (2007-05-21)

The above ones are not symptoms of problems: many episodes of
tv series are identified only by their #SEASON.EPISODE number
or by their airing date (when a title is missing, obviously).

> Got it!
> Auf der grĂ¼nen Wiese

Not exactly the nasty title I expected - whatever it means. :-)
There's nothing wrong with it, and there are many more umlauts
in that list - this is probably the first occurrence that creates
problems when the data are flushed to the database (the data are
temporarily stored in a Python dictionary, and so they are not
flushed to the db in order).

> /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/IMDbPY-4.2-py2.5.egg/EGG-INFO/scripts/imdbpy2sql.py:628:
>  UnicodeWarning: Unicode equal comparison failed to convert both
> arguments to Unicode - interpreting them as being unequal
>   if ts[-1].lower() in _articles:

Try this simple script, to see if it creates any problem:
#!/usr/bin/env python

import imdb

utf8_title = 'Auf der gr\xc3\xbcnen Wiese'

print utf8_title in imdb.utils._articles


If it replies "False" without raising warnings of exceptions,
I think the problem is not in Python itself but in the psycopg2
module or in the configuration of PostgreSQL.

> BUT! I also tried to run it without my modification at line 1427 and with
> modified title_soundex. It stopped at the other line:
> "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/IMDbPY-4.2-py2.5.egg/EGG-INFO/scripts/imdbpy2sql.py",
> line 1030, in _runCommand
>     CURS.executemany(self.sqlstr, self.converter(dataList))
> psycopg2.DataError: byte sequence invalid for encoding "UTF8": 0xc333
> HINT:  This error can also happen if the byte sequence does not match the
> encoding expected by the server, which is controlled by "client_encoding".

It's more or less expected: the data is processed without glitches,
but everything explodes when CURS.executemany tries to dump it into
the database.

To summarize how imdbpy2sql.py works: it reads the plain text data
files (which are mostly in iso-8859-1 encoding), convert them to
utf-8 for internal usage (for a series of more or less good reasons)
and uses a cursor provided by the db access module (psycopg2, in this
case) to store them (again, passing the strings as utf-8).

Your change forces imdbpy2sql.py to use _unicode_ representation of
titles; the UnicodeWarning you get is because it compares a unicode
string to a list of utf-8 encoded strings (imdb.utils._articles).
As a temporary solution you can convert _articles to a list of unicodes,
but I can't consider this a real fix.  Put this line somewhere at the
top of the script - hoping it will not break something else ;-) :
  _articles = [x.decode('utf8') for x in _articles]

Why psycopg2 or your PostgreSQL don't play nicely with utf-8 strings
is beyond my imagination. :-)

Another small test (this _could_ exclude psycopg2, even if it can
always be a matter of how it's initialized by SQLObject/SQLAlchemy):

#!/usr/bin/env python

import psycopg2

utf8_title = 'Auf der gr\xc3\xbcnen Wiese'

connection = psycopg2.connect(database='imdb', user='UNAME', password='PWD')
curs = connection.cursor()

curs.execute("INSERT INTO title (title, kind_id) VALUES (%s, 1);",



In my installation, it works.

As you can see, debugging these strange interactions between
charsets/encodings and various modules, libraries and database
engines is a real pain. :-(

Thanks for your time!

Davide Alberani <davide.alber...@gmail.com> [GPG KeyID: 0x465BFD47]

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