Zitat von Thomas Jarosch <thomas.jaro...@intra2net.com>:

Hi Andreas,

On Friday, 9. August 2013 09:45:25 lst_ho...@kwsoft.de wrote:
Zitat von Michael J Rubinsky <mrubi...@horde.org>:
> There were some minor issues that have been fixed in Git already. A
> new release should go out later today when a few other minor issues
> are resolved.
> FWIW, this particular schema change was non-destructive, you should
> be able to migrate back to migration 18.

Hm, with the ActiveSync 2.6.1 as of today i'm able to delete mails on
the iPhone, but any mail deleted otherwise with IMP for example does
not vanish on the Phone connected with ActiveSync. I will try a full
re-sync but it is somewhat annoying for a minor update.

I just tried both with 2.6.1:

- Delete message on the phone
  -> vanishes on the server after ~15 seconds.

- Delete message on the server
  -> vanishes on the phone after ~15 seconds.

There were some recent bugfixes regarding internal state tracking.
Please try to reset the device in the ActiveSync device management of horde.

This might be, but it worked before and after the update to 2.6.1 it doesn't work anymore. After a complete re-sync it was basically working with manual sync but Push failed. This was even after "reboot" of the Phone. After disabling Push and enabling it later again Push started working again. It is hard to explain something like this to our iPhone/ActiveSync Users at the main server and i have no idea how to update Horde/IMP without calling them and explain what have to be done :-(



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