On 16-9-2010 11:28, Sander Deryckere wrote:

Sindce I don't seem to get a reply, I'll ask my question again:

Your original mailing never seems to have made it.

    As a second thing, they ask who would be responsible for incorrect
    data. I believe that the OSM licenses (both CC-BY-SA and ODBL) have
    some text that says they give no warranty for correctness, am I
    correct on this? Or who gives warranty for correctness?

Why don't you also write on talk-be, and discuss with the local mappers on a way to keep the data reasonably up to date? It would obviously be very helpful when De Lijn would release an updated set of data at regular intervals. When they're so keen on keeping the data in OSM up to date, that's the least amount of effort they should expect to make.


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