Two questions:

1) The screenshots on the wiki page mention the use of associatedStreet
relation, but your e-mail mentions that you will remove it. In the end, the
data will only have nodes with addr:* tags?

2) I'm not familiar with the tool, but it sounds like
it duplicates functionality of the OSM Tasking Manager. Have you considered
using that?

On Sat, Nov 23, 2013 at 5:38 AM, Ben Abelshausen

> Hi,
> This summer here in Belgium a lot of addressing data was released as open
> data. A lot of local mappers are very eager to do something with this data
> and OSM. We have worked the past couple of months discussing, writing tools
> and documentation to prevent this new data from being used without thinking
> this through.
> The idea was that the data is open and will be used by mappers, we might
> as well write some import guidelines for this and establish a good way of
> handling this.
> We have followed the Import/Guidelines and we have:
> - Community consensus about this as much as possible. We have been talking
> about this for months, everybody knows and almost everybody commented.
> - Added the data to the import catalogue:
> - Cite the source as a contributor:
> - And last but not least an import-plan:
> Now obviously it's time to email the import list and ask for
> comments/feedback.
> Summary:
> - We will split the data into small chunks (per street/postal
> code/commune).
> - We will use a tool (created by Frédéric Rodrigo) to keep track of the
> import and to serve the data:
>  - JOSM will be used to conflate the data with OSM data: We will be
> putting the address tags on buildings same as if the addresses had been
> surveyed and the conflation is done by individual mappers.
> A few TODOS:
> - Now the data served in the tool has an associatedStreet relation: this
> needs to be removed.
> - Fix some small bugs in the conversion script.
> - The example cited on the import-plan contains addresses without a
> position, that's one of the bugs that needs fixing.
> Met vriendelijke groeten,
> Best regards,
> Ben Abelshausen
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