On Sun, Nov 24, 2013 at 08:12:17AM +0100, Jo wrote:
> I think most of the abbreviations found in the OSM data will be first names
> which were written in abbreviated form on the street name tag signs. Those
> are mostly expanded in the source data.

Looking at the CRAB data, most of the abbriviated streets look
like "A. Coolsstraat".  Where the "A. Cools" is the name of a
person.  Those will probably require people to actually look what
the real name is. (It seems to be Alfons.)  We need to make people
aware that this needs to be converted.  It's currently also
abbreviated in osm and and tools like osmose don't even seem to
give a warning about that.

> Regarding streets with same names. The most common case is a main street
> which connects 2 cities which maintains its name from one village to the
> next. When using associatedStreet relations, these would end up in a
> separate relation for each postcode/village name combination. I hope these
> are still clustered separately in the import data.

As far as I know they're group by postcode and streetname.

> Regarding multilingual names. There are villages in Belgium which have
> 'facilities' for French speaking 'immigrants' from the other side of the
> country.
> For those I think they should be tagged as follows:
> name=Vlamingenstraat
> name:nl=Vlamingenstraat
> name:fr=Rue des Flamands

Yes, that's always how it's supposed to have been.  The data we
have also has street names outside Flanders but doesn't have any
address positions outside it.  Looking at the data we get we only
get Dutch street names for things that have a location.  There
seem to be no cases of having 2 official names in Flanders
according to the CRAB database.


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