On Tue, 4 Mar 2003 10:14:06 -0800, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi, Pat.

Hi, Steve.

WRT to (b), I would also consult the efficiency index described by Rubin (1987) and discussed by Schafer in the Norm help file
under "How many imputations do I need?". I believe the efficiency is output by Norm (but strangely not output by SAS PROC MIANALYZE, though it can easily be computed from the information provided).

Yes, thanks. That one's puzzled me: If I'm applying it correctly, it seems to asymptote at fairly high levels even with very high degrees of missing information.

In many longitudinal data sets I have found that 10 imputed data sets did not result in sufficient efficiency. I typically go with 20 imputed data sets.


Thanks. My colleague is going back over the missing information levels as we speak.


Patrick S. Malone, Ph.D., Research Scholar
Duke University Center for Child and Family Policy
Durham, North Carolina, USA

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