On 6/23/07, Shawn Walker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 23/06/07, John Sonnenschein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a better idea.
> let's /not/ ship gnome, and ship KDE instead. It's a far superior &
> more integrated desktop environment, and one that windows users ( the
> largest platform out there ) are most likely to feel comfortable in

I have a better idea. Don't state things that are an opinion as fact.
KDE is not *factually* superior. Everyone has their own preference.

no, but KIO and other such things mean that it is /factually/ much
more integrated. And yes, everyone has their own preference which is
why this shouldn't be a decision made by Sun Microsystems' executive
fiat. This is advertised as a community distro, and Sun Microsystems
employees coming down and saying "This is how it shall be done" is not
the way to build a community, it's just SUNW flexing it's muscles

Secondly, what you propose makes absolutely no sense given that most
of the community's resources are invested in GNOME. Why would we ship
KDE when most of the time is spent on GNOME? That doesn't make any

Sun pays some people to work on GNOME. this doesn't mean the
community's resources are committed to it, it just means that sun pays
some people to work on GNOME. Sun also loses money because of this, as
the German government migrates to SuSE in part because of KDE.

KDE also has a *factually* less-friendly business license than GNOME
if you want to write proprietary commercial software.

that's complete rubbish. Trolltech will sell you a proprietary license
for it, and if that's not acceptable, KDE can run GTK apps perfectly
fine. In recent versions, with a similar widget set
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