On Tue, 2008-02-19 at 07:24 -0800, Euan Thoms wrote:
> > >How well supported is multimedia (mpeg, avi, wmv
> > etc) going to be in project >Indiana? I ask this
> > because it sucks in Solaris 10 and even Nevada /
> > >OpenSolaris builds that i have trialled to date.
> > 
> > Euan,
> > Multimedia on Solaris is well supported as it was
> > about 3-4 years ago. Not as up-to-date as the latest
> > Ubuntu distros, depending if you use Nexenta or not,
> > but you can play DVDs, play FOSS 3D games, and listen
> > to various audio playbacks.
> > Some things require licensing, or self compilation or
> > packages, and other things require a bit of time and
> > patience. Recently the OpenGL 3D component was fixed
> > so now things like 3D screensavers and game
> > development/porting are very possible wit Indiana.
> That may be the case and glad to hear it, but in ubuntu it all works
>  out-the-box which to me makes a huge difference. I spent ages trying
>  to get a media player to work to no avail. I read somewhere the codecs
>  seem to be revoked for totem due to a licensing issue, but then how
>  come ubuntu has them as a restricted download (automated). I dug
>  around and mplayer is available for ssolaris also one called VLC which
>  i liked on Windows but I had to compile it myself. What's that all
>  about, can't one person do it and share the binaries? 

If you're still looking for a good solution for multi-media on
OpenSolaris I've found that the the easiest path is to simply compile
the ffmpeg plugin for gstreamer:

Get it here: 

It compiles out of the box (on Nevada) with gcc but has problems
linking, I had to use the GNU linker to get it to link. Apart from the
linking issue it's trivial to get going.

Once you've built it just stick the plugin (libgstffmpeg.so)
into /usr/lib/gstreamer-0.10.

The advantage of doing this over compiling mplayer/vlc is that this
enables all the gnome apps to be able to play pretty much any video
format. You can use totem, the nautilus thumbnailer works etc.

A subset of the formats ffmpeg supports:

mpeg4 (divx)

and many many others.

I know its a pain to compile stuff and we really should be thinking
about how to offer users access to codecs in a similar way to Ubuntu.


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