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Joint International Observer Missions
To the East Timor Popular Consultation Process

Dili, 1 September 1999

We the International Observer Missions listed below consider it of the
utmost importance to express our evaluation of the consultation process
implemented by UNAMET in the Framework of the May 5th agreement under the
auspices of the Secretary General of United Nations.

We want to state, in the very first place, our recognition to the
professional work undertaken by the international and local staff of UNAMET,
with full respect to the free will of the people to vote.

In sharp contrast with the electoral process, we are extremely concerned
that despite the determination shown by the East Timorese people to vote in
the popular consultation in such impressive numbers on 30th August, the
climate of fear and intimidation continues to distort their will.

Specifically, we want to express our concern regarding the respect and full
compliance with Article 3 of the May 5th Agreement which states:

"The Government of Indonesia will be responsible for maintaining peace and
security in East Timor in order to ensure that the popular consultation is
carried out in a fair and peaceful way in an atmosphere free of
intimidation, violence or interference from any side."

There has been a systematic process of  intimidation against the East
Timorese population as well as local and international UNAMET personnel and
international observers.

Roadblocks, checkpoints, beatings, shootings as well as the burning and
destruction of property at different times and places, are some of the forms
of intimidation that we see every day, especially by so-called "militias",
whose actions have been tolerated by the police and the army.

The Indonesian Government is solely responsible for eradicating all forms of
violence and intimidation to guarantee an adequate climate before , during
and after the voting on August 30.

Therefore, we demand that the Indonesian government fulfill its
responsibilities by immediately disarming and bringing the militias under
control without further delay, and we ask that the international community
and the United Nations take stronger measure to encourage Indonesia to
restore safety, peace and security.

International Platform of Jurists for East Timor (IPJET)
Independent Committee for the Monitoring of Balloting (KIPER)
International Federation for East Timor Observer Project (IFET-OP)
Catholic Institute for International Relations (CIIR)
Australia East Timor International Volunteer Project (AETIVP)
Official delegation of Chile
U.N. Australia Association
Uniting Church in Australia
Asia Pacific Center for Justice and Peace (APCJP)
Oxfam International
Asian Network for Free Elections (ANFREL)

SiaR WEBSITE: http://apchr.murdoch.edu.au/minihub/siarlist/maillist.html

Didistribusikan tgl. 2 Sep 1999 jam 06:41:46 GMT+1
oleh: Indonesia Daily News Online <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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