At 18:10 18/10/99 +1100, you wrote:
>Sorry to be a wet blabket on your happy parade Pak yusuf
>Were you serious wehn you write that email? i hope I missed some sarcasm or 
>double meening becasue i can't believe that you would accept him just 
>becasue he accept the fact that he totally stuffed things up
>i don't think he did accept that fact and even if he did that doesnt mean 
>that he wont go and do exactly the same thing all ove ragain
>It takes more than prety speaches to run a country
>i hope you were being sarcasitic and it was only my imperfect indoensian 
>that meant i missed the point
>Please enlighten me

Betul, pak Ben
yang namanya mas Yusuf-Wibisono itu ya memang gitu kalau nulis
'sarcasm' :-)

anyway, besok diputus pakai voting


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