On Aug 3, 2011, at 6:36 PM, Pete Muir wrote:

> I have drafted this out at 
> https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/ISPN/Getting+Started+Guide.

I'm having a read through it. I'm fixing some stuff and maybe adding links to 
other parts, such as archetypes.

More comments below...

> We start with a couple of introductory chapters - a brief overview of what 
> Infinispan offers, instructions for how to download and install infinispan, 
> and instructions on the GUIDemo (as it helps people visualise whats going 
> on). We then move on to the bulk of the guide, in which I want to address the 
> most common reasons people want to try out Infinispan:
> * Infinispan as a standalone (local) cache. This also serves as the simplest 
> way to get started with Infinispan, hence it's position at the top of the 
> list!
> * Infinispan as a data-grid, running from plain Java SE, in either replicated 
> or distributed mode
> * Infinispan as the 2nd level cache for Hibernate
> * Accessing Infinispan remotely
>   * Using Hot Rod
>   * Using REST
>   * Using memcached
> * Using Infinispan inside a JBoss AS 7 cluster
> * Using Infinispan inside another server (e.g. Tomcat, GlassFish)
> and finally a common topic
> * Monitoring Infinispan
> In my experience this represents 95% of the reasons people want to look at 
> Infinispan, so we should hopefully get most people up and running with their 
> use case quickly with these tutorials.
> I've built up the tutorials for the first two cases (distributed mode is 
> missing) from the old tutorials to give you an idea of the style, level and 
> content that the other tutorials would contain. Each tutorial would be 
> acompanied by a quickstart (example, sample) that contains the code discussed 
> in the tutorial and is runnable. You can find snapshots of the quickstarts 
> zip at 
> https://hudson.qa.jboss.com/hudson/view/Infinispan/job/Infinispan-Quickstart/ 
> - this will appear on ci.jboss.org at some point under the job name 
> "Infinispan-Quickstart" but the publishing queue appears to be temporarily 
> broken ;-)
> Any comments, thoughts etc.? Are we missing a common use case? Is the 
> explanation too practical and doesn't explain concepts properly?
> Once we get this contents flushed out, I would like to get a few volunteers 
> to help with writing up the guides and quickstarts - someone for each topic. 
> I'll help out with editing etc. of course :-)
> A few notes:
> * I've moved the Scala and Groovy stuff out (to the user guide) as I just 
> don't believe this is really of great interest to the majority of people 
> thinking of using Infinispan
> * I haven't migrated the monitoring Infinispan content from SBS, as I think 
> Galder was working on this?

Again, this content is in another space that is not Infinispan :( - why do 
people keep moving wikis from one space to another? can't you link?

Anyway, glad to move this content over. I like the idea of quickstarts but a 
monitoring one requires downloading RHQ, so that'd be a decent size bundle.

What's the timeline for having all this finished?

> * I haven't linked in the GUIDemo stuff as I want to discuss where this 
> should live with everyone
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Galder Zamarreño
Sr. Software Engineer
Infinispan, JBoss Cache

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