On Jan 24, 2013, at 4:26 PM, Sanne Grinovero <sa...@infinispan.org> wrote:

> It's important to note that Infinispan's implementation of storing as
> binary isn't guaranteeing different instances of objects are returned
> to different get() invocations (especially when they happen in
> parallel).

^ Do you have a test for this?

Could this be related to the fact that a get(), unless it had received that 
entry from another node, will held as reference?

It'd be interesting if that test works if after a put() you call compact()...

> This is the reason for example that Hibernate OGM can't use this flag
> to have safe and independent instances, but needs to make defensive
> copies if returned values. As I read in your first post, you want to
> use this for defensive copies: that doesn't work, especially if the
> TCK is performing concurrent requests.

^ As I said, the storeAsBinary feature is heavily optimised for performance, 
hence why it initially keeps instances as references, so that if another thread 
requests the entry soon later, a reference is sent back (no need to 
serialize/deserialize the entry just put)

> On 24 January 2013 16:09, Manik Surtani <ma...@jboss.org> wrote:
>> On 24 Jan 2013, at 15:39, Vladimir Blagojevic <vblag...@redhat.com> wrote:
>>> No valid reason Manik. In summary I thought I would have gotten our 
>>> keys/values serialized even in local VM if I turn on storeAsBinary but that 
>>> does not seem to be the case.
>> Is it not?  Perhaps it is only serialised the first time a serial form is 
>> necessary.  You can get around this by calling compact()
>> http://docs.jboss.org/infinispan/5.1/apidocs/org/infinispan/Cache.html#compact()
>> But this definitely isn't the most optimal way of doing things.  Perhaps a 
>> new config option for eager serialisation might be necessary, but for now 
>> calling compact() should work.
>>> I need to use storeAsBinary to complete a feature of JSR 107 that allows 
>>> storing of key/value pairs as serialized values rather than simple 
>>> references.
>> Yup, I realise.
>>> TBH, I am not sure how can we do this given mechanisms we have in place. I 
>>> would have to implement serialization/deserialization in our jsr 107 
>>> project but that would be a wrong path if we can somehow turn on our own 
>>> existing storeAsBinary for in VM stored objects (see Galder's email on what 
>>> is currently done)
>>> Regards,
>>> Vladimir
>>> On 13-01-24 7:09 AM, Manik Surtani wrote:
>>>> JSR 107's storeAsBinary and our storeAsBinary are conceptually the same.  
>>>> You get a defensive copy and this should work.
>>>> But see my comment below:
>>>> Also adding Mircea in cc.  Any reason why you're not using infinispan-dev 
>>>> for this?
>>>> On 24 Jan 2013, at 12:00, Galder Zamarreño <gal...@redhat.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hey Vladimir,
>>>>> IIRC, for performance reasons, even with storeAsBinary, Infinispan keeps 
>>>>> the data as normal instance locally. When data is serialized and sent to 
>>>>> other nodes, again for performance reasons, it keeps it as raw or byte[] 
>>>>> format.
>>>>> So, storing objects by value only happens in counted occassions when 
>>>>> storeAsBinary is enabled.
>>>>> You can track it by using a debugger and see how the the MarshalledValue 
>>>>> instances are created.
>>>>> Not sure how to fix this without some extra configuration option.
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> On Jan 23, 2013, at 5:38 PM, Vladimir Blagojevic <vblag...@redhat.com> 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Galder,
>>>>>> A quick search of help from you beacuse you are more familiar with this 
>>>>>> area (storeAsBinary) than I am. There is a tck test that checks storing 
>>>>>> of objects by value not by reference in the cache [1]. I thought that if 
>>>>>> we set our underlying cache to be storeAsBinary we would handle this tck 
>>>>>> requirement (store by value if neeed rather than by reference). However, 
>>>>>> StoreByValueTest fails although I set our underlying Infinispan cache to 
>>>>>> be storeAsBinary. I am using local cache athough I tried with transport 
>>>>>> and dist_async setup as well - same result. Any ideas what is going on?
>>>>>> Have a look at the test [1] , result I get are below:
>>>>>> -------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>> Running org.jsr107.tck.StoreByValueTest
>>>>>> Jan 23, 2013 12:35:29 PM org.jsr107.tck.util.ExcludeList <init>
>>>>>> INFO: ===== ExcludeList 
>>>>>> url=file:/Users/vladimir/workspace/jsr107/jsr107tck/implementation-tester/target/test-classes/ExcludeList
>>>>>> Defined org.jsr107.tck.StoreByValueTest config 
>>>>>> StoreAsBinaryConfiguration{enabled=true, storeKeysAsBinary=true, 
>>>>>> storeValuesAsBinary=true}
>>>>>> Tests run: 6, Failures: 6, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 21.852 
>>>>>> sec <<< FAILURE!
>>>>>> Results :
>>>>>> Failed tests: get_Existing_MutateValue(org.jsr107.tck.StoreByValueTest): 
>>>>>> expected: java.util.Date<Wed Jan 23 12:35:34 EST 2013> but was: 
>>>>>> java.util.Date<Wed Jan 23 12:35:34 EST 2013>
>>>> ??  These seem the same to me?  How is the TCK testing for these two 
>>>> values?  By reference?  Or using .equals()?
>>>>>> get_Existing_MutateKey(org.jsr107.tck.StoreByValueTest): expected:<Wed 
>>>>>> Jan 23 12:35:38 EST 2013> but was:<null>
>>>> This seems a bigger issue.  You might want to look at Infinispan logs here?
>>>>>> getAndPut_NotThere(org.jsr107.tck.StoreByValueTest): expected: 
>>>>>> java.util.Date<Wed Jan 23 12:35:41 EST 2013> but was: java.util.Date<Wed 
>>>>>> Jan 23 12:35:41 EST 2013>
>>>> Again, see my first comment.
>>>>>> getAndPut_Existing_MutateValue(org.jsr107.tck.StoreByValueTest): 
>>>>>> expected: java.util.Date<Wed Jan 23 12:35:45 EST 2013> but was: 
>>>>>> java.util.Date<Wed Jan 23 12:35:45 EST 2013>
>>>> Again, see my first comment.
>>>>>> getAndPut_Existing_NonSameKey_MutateValue(org.jsr107.tck.StoreByValueTest):
>>>>>>  expected: java.util.Date<Wed Jan 23 12:35:48 EST 2013> but was: 
>>>>>> java.util.Date<Wed Jan 23 12:35:48 EST 2013>
>>>> Again, see my first comment.
>>>>>> getAndPut_Existing_NonSameKey_MutateKey(org.jsr107.tck.StoreByValueTest):
>>>>>>  expected:<Wed Jan 23 12:35:51 EST 2013> but was:<null>
>>>>>> Tests run: 6, Failures: 6, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0
>>>>>> [1] 
>>>>>> https://github.com/jsr107/jsr107tck/blob/master/cache-tests/src/test/java/org/jsr107/tck/StoreByValueTest.java
>>>>> --
>>>>> Galder Zamarreño
>>>>> gal...@redhat.com
>>>>> twitter.com/galderz
>>>>> Project Lead, Escalante
>>>>> http://escalante.io
>>>>> Engineer, Infinispan
>>>>> http://infinispan.org
>>>> --
>>>> Manik Surtani
>>>> ma...@jboss.org
>>>> twitter.com/maniksurtani
>>>> Platform Architect, JBoss Data Grid
>>>> http://red.ht/data-grid
>> --
>> Manik Surtani
>> ma...@jboss.org
>> twitter.com/maniksurtani
>> Platform Architect, JBoss Data Grid
>> http://red.ht/data-grid
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Galder Zamarreño

Project Lead, Escalante

Engineer, Infinispan

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