Hi Greg,

>[ On Monday, February 14, 2000 at 03:27:11 (-0800), Paul Sander wrote: ]
>>Subject: Re: CVS File Locking
>>The message that comes across from you, Greg, is that users must choose
>>either the concurrent model or the locking model, and commit to it 100%.
>>If that simply isn't feasible, then they should adopt some difficult
>>hybrid environment.
Greg wrote:
>Yup.  And the reason is that it would be absolutely against the design
>goals of CVS to build a hybrid environment.  CVS is designed to *FORCE*
>concurrent development.  If you don't like it then don't use it (and
>don't post stupid arguments about it either).

Well, first of all, CVS doesn't force the concurent development, and 
moreother it promotes the locking. The only stupid arguments are so far 
comming from you. You are so blind and emotional that you don't see the 
simple facts and reality. We WANT to force and promote the cocnurent 
development, while you seem to only try to maintain the current situation no 
matter what.

Why don't you, Mr. Greg A. Woods, include the sentence:
"And find some other tool."
to your signature and stop repeating the same useless arguments?


The first thing they don't teach you at school: "Never say never".
All the issues not related to the list please send to me in private, thanks.

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